Sarah Mahan
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Are Used Car Seats Safe?

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How to Buy a Used Car Seat without Compromising Safety

Used Car Seats

Choosing a used car seat (Photo: mrbeck)

Used car seats can seem like a great money saver. Let’s face it, car seats can get pretty expensive. But is your child’s safety worth the bargain?

Many used car seats are still safe and can offer your child just as much protection as a brand new seat. But you have to buy smart.

Generally, it is not recommended to buy a used car seat unless you can verify certain information:

  • Has the car seat been involved in an accident?
  • Has the seat ever been recalled?
  • Are all the parts and pieces still attached to the car seat?
  • Are all the safety and warning labels still affixed to seat?

The Car Seat Lady recommends that you should buy a rear-facing seat if it has at least a year left on the expiration date. Convertible seats should have at least 2-3 years left, and booster seats should be purchased only if they have enough life in them to protect your child until they turn ten years of age.

Expiration dates can be found imprinted right on the car seat. They will typically read ‘Do Not Use’ before the year of expiration.

Research the serial numbers and manufacturing dates to see if there have been any recalls.

Be sure to check into our list of must-knows before purchasing a used car seat for your child. Be sure that you are properly informed. The money saved on a faulty used car seat will pale in comparison to the safety of your child in the event of an accident.

Do you have any used car seat safety tips to share? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

The News Wheel Guide to Car Seat Safety: