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Mazda’s RACE STEM Program Hits the Road Again

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Mazda’s RACE STEM+at+Jim+Bowie+High

Mazda’s RACE STEM program visits Jim Bowie High School

Getting the kids back to school isn’t just good news for parents ready for quieter house. It can also be a great change for students who are ready to see their friends again– that is, until it’s time to hits the books.

Education doesn’t have to be all paper and pencil deskwork, and fun programs that expose students to innovative ways of learning are popping up nationwide.

Thanks to Mazda’s RACE STEM program, students can be on the fast track to acquiring marketable skills and interests.

Entering the Educational Fast Lane with Mazda’s RACE STEM Initiative

Anyone could tell you that automotive building and racing involves serious engineering. But how many future engineers get to see the science up close and in use? Thanks to Mazda’s RACE STEM initiative, over 10,000 middle and high school students across America have done just that since the program started in January.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is an initiative to equip students with technical understanding for real-world career success.

According to the California STEM Learning Network, “We focus on these areas together not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for student success, but also because these fields are deeply intertwined in the real world and in how students learn most effectively.”

In order for students to experience such real-life, hands-on learning experiences, it takes the participation of groups such as Mazda who are interested in the future of America’s learners.

The Racing Accelerates Creative Education (RACE) outreach program has targeted 12 schools with 22 interactive presentations. The majority of those receiving the presentations were local to the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship. Last week, students at James Bowie High School and Akins High School in Texas were the lucky recipients of Mazda’s demonstrations.

Mazda’s RACE STEM+Aero+Demo

Mazda’s RACE STEM initiative explains aerodynamics

“We’re happy to report that our future is in good hands as the students that we’ve been fortunate enough to interact with are demonstrating the drive, initiative and curiosity that it takes to convert STEM education into global innovation,” shared John Doonan, Director, Mazda Motorsports and leader of Mazda’s RACE STEM initiative.

“Through the track promoter ticket giveaways, we’ve been able to bring students to the race events and take them behind the curtain to show how Mazda uses STEM in every aspect of our racing and engineering programs,” said Joel Miller, Mazda factory driver, engineer, and featured speaker at the schools.

STEM is already making national changes in the future of our students though practical academic preparation, and Mazda’s participation is furthering the initiative even further. Get ready to see Mazda’s RACE STEM demonstrated in 2015.