What Are Those Rust-Colored Orange Stains on Concrete Resembling Meteor Strikes?

What Are Those Rust-Colored Orange Stains on Concrete Resembling Meteor Strikes?

At some point, you’ve walked down a sidewalk, parking lot or driveway…

Have You Ever Wondered What Roads Are Made Out of?

Have You Ever Wondered What Roads Are Made Out of?

They’re massive, they’re pervasive, and they’re integral to your daily transportation. Within…

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Cool Pavement Technology

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Cool Pavement Technology

  Cool pavement technology could greatly reduce global cooling and contribute to…

Tar Splatters on the Road Serve in the Name of Cost-Effective Road Repair

Tar Splatters on the Road Serve in the Name of Cost-Effective Road Repair

The road most or even least traveled is rarely smooth. There are…

Sustainable Driveway Will Help Your Garden Grow

Sustainable Driveway Will Help Your Garden Grow

A typical driveway not only takes up a lot of space, is…

Recycled Plastics Vying for Asphalt’s Job

Recycled Plastics Vying for Asphalt’s Job

Even the road less traveled is probably paved with asphalt. Asphalt has…