BMW Considers Replacing Car Keys with Smartphones

BMW Considers Replacing Car Keys with Smartphones

Our cars and our phones are now more integrated than ever, thanks…

Is It Really That Dangerous to Text While Stopped at a Red Light?

Is It Really That Dangerous to Text While Stopped at a Red Light?

As our lives become more and more digitally connected, we’ve been warned…

BP to Launch App to Let You Pay for Gas from Your Car (in Australia)

BP to Launch App to Let You Pay for Gas from Your Car (in Australia)

Smartphones are amazing things. As time has gone on, they have become…

Car Crash Victim Sues Snapchat for ‘Speedometer’ Filter Involved in Collision

Car Crash Victim Sues Snapchat for ‘Speedometer’ Filter Involved in Collision

A victim of a car crash outside of Atlanta, Georgia, is now…

Documenting Road Rage in the Modern World

Documenting Road Rage in the Modern World

Road rage is something that has existed since the creation of the…