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Police Search for Potential Worst Person Ever Who Stole Car From 90-Year-Old

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90-year-old WWII vet has his car stolen before his eyes--on Memorial Day

90-year-old WWII vet has his car stolen before his eyes–on Memorial Day

Holy crap, listen to this.

A 90-year-old WWII Air Force veteran named Hubert Strange went to the park on Memorial Day to set at a picnic table under some trees. Suddenly a stranger came up and started talking to him.

“All at once he jumped up and said, ‘there’s a cop!’ and I said ‘so?’ When I got up and looked towards my car, it was flashing,” Strange said. “I said ‘oh my God, he’s got my keys.’”

That’s when the stranger stole his car, along with his wallet, glasses, and cell phone.

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But that’s not all that’s terrible about this.

Strange has been the one driving his 92-year-old sister to and from doctor’s appointments. Without the car, he is relying somewhat on his daughter for help.

“I’m doing without,” he said. “My daughter, she comes when she can and she came yesterday and went to the grocery store for me.”

To put the icing on top of the “Wow, you are just the worst person” cake, Strange didn’t seem especially angry.

“I don’t like to be angry but you know, it’s a bad deal,” he said.

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His family has set up a page on IndieGoGo to replace the stolen car and belongings. As of May 28th, it stands at $800.

If the car thief is ever caught, he should be sentenced to walk everywhere with cute little grannies looking sad and disappointed lining his way.