Should Gas Stations Be Liable for Drunk Drivers?

Should Gas Stations Be Liable for Drunk Drivers?

In many states, bars and clubs are liable if they serve a…

The Significance of Driving in “BoJack Horseman”

The Significance of Driving in “BoJack Horseman”

Netflix's "BoJack Horseman" may have ended its six-season in 2020, but it's still got a lot to say, and driving plays a significant role.…

Driving as Catharsis: ‘This Year’ by The Mountain Goats

Driving as Catharsis: ‘This Year’ by The Mountain Goats

Sometimes, driving can provide catharsis like nothing else. 'This Year' by The Mountain Goats illustrates this in a very personal way.…

Why Would Alberta Consider Decriminalising Drunk Driving?

Why Would Alberta Consider Decriminalising Drunk Driving?

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada, an average of four Canadians…

In-Car Breathalyzers Both Stop and Cause Accidents

In-Car Breathalyzers Both Stop and Cause Accidents

Over the course of the decade, the number of in-car Breathalyzers has…

Repeat Drunk Drivers in Quebec Face Lifetime Ignition Interlock Penalty

Repeat Drunk Drivers in Quebec Face Lifetime Ignition Interlock Penalty

Drivers in Quebec will soon be subject to one of the strictest…

Two US Senators Push for New Car Tech to Prevent Drunk Driving

Two US Senators Push for New Car Tech to Prevent Drunk Driving

Some states like Maryland have recently started researching built-in vehicle tech that…

Maryland Tests Tech That Could Prevent Drunk Driving

Maryland Tests Tech That Could Prevent Drunk Driving

The Maryland Department of Transportation and Governor Larry Hogan recently created Driven…

Goldfinch Rides like Royalty in Its Own Uber

Goldfinch Rides like Royalty in Its Own Uber

Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re looking for a Prince Charming that knows…

Here’s why Driving on Sidewalks is a Bad Idea

Here’s why Driving on Sidewalks is a Bad Idea

A “sidedrive” sounds like a strange term — probably because it is…

5 Most Common Reasons for Car Accidents

5 Most Common Reasons for Car Accidents

Car accidents in the United States are more common than you might…

How to Spot an Impaired Driver

How to Spot an Impaired Driver

New Year’s is the perfect time to revisit the topic of sober…

The Try Guys Take On Drunk Driving

The Try Guys Take On Drunk Driving

In their latest series of videos, popular YouTube group The Try Guys…

The Number of Automotive Fatalities Decreased in 2017

The Number of Automotive Fatalities Decreased in 2017

Contemporary cars come loaded with a wide array of safety features and…

Uber Files Patent To Detect Drunk Riding, Shrugs Shoulders on Its Future Use

Uber Files Patent To Detect Drunk Riding, Shrugs Shoulders on Its Future Use

As Uber has spread and the novelty has worn away (and setting…

How Likely Are You to Be Affected By a Drunk Driver?

How Likely Are You to Be Affected By a Drunk Driver?

Despite tougher laws and stiffer penalties, auto accident statistics show that drinking…

MADD Report: Montana’s Drunk-Driving Laws Are America’s Weakest

MADD Report: Montana’s Drunk-Driving Laws Are America’s Weakest

An advocacy group’s annual report says Montana has America’s least effective drunk-driving…

State of the Self-Driving Car: Nobody Has Fully Self-Driving Cars

State of the Self-Driving Car: Nobody Has Fully Self-Driving Cars

It seems that when it comes to autonomous vehicle technology, some of…

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