Kyle Johnson
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Dieseltec Vandalized After Failed GoFundMe Campaign

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Last week, the owner of Grandville, Michigan’s Dieseltec came under fire after he wrote a lengthy and borderline incoherent Facebook post that stated—among other things—that “openly gay persons” are not welcome at his shop and that he would be providing discounts to open-carrying gun owners. This was followed in short order by another long, poorly-written screed from Brian Klawiter that specified death threats had been made against him and those close to him. I hypothesized that the intention of this post was purely a cash-grab; Klawiter, it seemed, had learned from Memories Pizza and their $842,442 GoFundMe campaign that the best way to get rich quick is to appeal to generous bigots.

None too surprisingly, somebody tried to start a crowdfunding campaign for them. Fortunately, good sense prevailed, and GoFundMe shut it down in short order. Back to the drawing board for Brian Klawiter and his quest for some easy, crowdfunded money, it would seem…

Dieseltec GoFundMe failed

I went back into the minefield that is Dieseltec’s Facebook page today to see how things were going in Brian Klawiter’s quest to goad a bunch of morons into giving him money. In the days since Klawiter’s post—and since it was revealed that he was actually operating his shop illegally without a business license—the shop has been the site of numerous protests, and the business’ Facebook has filled up with more gems from its owner (e.g. “What rights are the LGBT fighting for? Is it the right to expose our children to their naked bodies while participating in a gay pride parade?”, “I did not choose to single out homosexuality. The media and many of you did that”). Still, no successful crowdfunding campaign.

Today, according to images posted on the Dieseltec Facebook page, things have taken a somewhat grim turn:

Post 1

The photographs above represent alleged acts of “physical violence,” otherwise known as “petty vandalism.” We see vehicles tagged with male-male/female-female gender symbols, windows broken by a rock “which has a fingerprint on it,” and a garage door tagged with “Bash Back!”—the name of an anarchist, pro-LGBTQ rights group that was responsible for minor acts of vandalism in Washington, DC in 2008 and California in 2009 but has been almost entirely non-existent since 2011.

There was even apparently someone among the vandals who thought that Mr. Klawiter is a fan of almonds.

I love nuts

Klawiter, being a man of infinite resolve, put the act down to “the ugly face of the homosexual movement” and used the opportunity to reaffirm his belief that “the homosexual agenda is evil, and is prepared to destroy anyone who gets in its way.” (The implication here being that Klawiter is now destroyed.)

He even makes sure to leave the audience with a stinger: “Today it’s us; tomorrow, it could be you.”

I can only wonder how quick someone tries to start up another GoFundMe campaign now…