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Clever Ways to Avoid Losing Your Car Keys

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Tips so you don’t misplace your keys as often

Car Keys Key Ring Fob Tracker Avoid Losing Your Car Keys

Photo: The News Wheel

Murphy’s law dictates that you will misplace your car keys at the time you’re in the biggest hurry. You’ll be scrambling around your house for a half-hour, tearing every pillow apart, until you come across the keys in the same place you looked 15 times previously.

If you’re tired of losing your car keys, here are some ways you can avoid misplacing them.

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Helpful ways to avoid losing your car keys

Always put them in the same place

If you make a habit of always putting your keys in the same place when you set them down, you won’t have to search the house for them nearly as often. Doing so will regularly will train you to always place them in the same spot without having to deliberately plan to. The best spot is right by the door so you’re not walking around the house with them.

Put them in your shoes

How often do you lose your shoes? Probably never, since you always drop them in the same place by the door. So, why not train yourself to put your keys in the same place? You might have to check a couple pairs to know which one you dropped them in, but you’ve hugely narrowed down the list of possible locations. This is especially useful if you always wear the same pair of sneakers or dress shoes every day.

Empty out the pockets whenever you take off a piece of clothing

At some point, you’ve shoved your car keys in a pocket, taken off that clothing, and forgotten the keys were inside. To avoid burying the keys in the dirty clothes pile or in a jacket you won’t wear until next winter, always empty out the pockets whenever you take off any piece of clothing.

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Car Keys pile lost missing locate

Photo: The News Wheel

Attach a gigantic lanyard or key chain

Keys are tiny, nondescript, and blend in easily. Make your keys stand out by adding volume and color to them. Affix a huge, bright lanyard, or attach a large, fluffy key ring so even if you drop your keys in a pile of knickknacks, you’ll still spot them easily.

Don’t make the key ring heavy, though, because heavy keys can strain the internal ignition switch parts, causing the barrels to wear down.

Attach a locating device

If you lose a lot of things, it might be worth spending money to help you find them. Purchase a tracking device that syncs to your phone and attach the tracker to your key ring. The next time you can’t find your keys, use your phone to help you.

Tell someone when you set them down

Not only will you have another person help recall where you left the keys, the act of saying where they are will train your brain to better remember where you put them.