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Do’s and Don’ts of Car Service

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car service dos and don'ts

If you own a car, you need to be diligent about servicing it if you want to keep it in good shape. Here are some do’s and don’ts of car service to keep in mind.

DO: Read your owner’s manual

Your vehicle comes equipped with a little book that tells you almost everything you need to know about properly operating and maintaining your ride. Use it.

DON’T: DIY (unless you know what you’re doing—really.)

Even if you think you know what you’re doing, car repairs can be extremely complex tasks. (There’s a reason people are able to make a livelihood out of the industry!)

If it’s as simple as a battery fix, lightbulb swap or oil change, you might be able topick up the parts you need and teach yourself.

But if your car isn’t performing normally and you aren’t 1000 percent sure what the issue is, don’t risk it. There is so much that can go wrong and turn your investment into a junkyard heap. When In doubt, leave it to the professionals.

DO: Pay attention to the recommended maintenance schedule

Are you putting the correct gas in your car? Using the right oil? What’s the recommended maintenance schedule? If you’re a car lover, chances are you’ve been treating your investment properly, but just in case — all of these answers, and more can be found in your manual.

DON’T: Choose the cheapest shop you can find

Car maintenance can get expensive, and it’s tempting to find a budget shop to do your work on the cheap. Remember that in the car world, quality costs. You should set your expectations for the quality of work you expect to receive, and expect to pay accordingly.

Check Out: Average Costs of Minor Car Repairs

DO: Learn your car lingo

If your car starts acting abnormal, make a note — and make it detailed. Was there a specific sound or smell? A strange jolt? How was it behaving prior to the problem? When was your most recent car service performed?

Your mechanic will take any concerns more seriously if you can accurately describe things better than “making a funny noise.”

Check Out: A Glossary of Automotive Acronyms

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