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How to Tell if Your Car Seat is a Knock-Off

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A winter coat endangers your child. car seats
Baby in a car seat
Photo: North Dakota

Car seats are very important for children’s safety, but they also can cost quite a bit of money. That’s why some parents find themselves purchasing cheaper versions. However, too many of these parents end up accidentally purchasing counterfeit car seats, which are unsafe for children. Here are some items to check on your car seat to make sure it’s safe.

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Warning labels

Car seats should be covered with warning labels on both sides of the seats. These warning labels should always be written in English, though they could also be written in Spanish. If you live in the U.S. and the warning labels are in another language, a scammer could have made your car seat.


A car seat needs to have multiple buckles to be safe. The straps need more than just a buckle at the bottom of the harness, they need a chest clip as well.


When looking at the padding, if a piece seems like it’s missing, there’s a good chance that it is missing. Similarly, if a piece looks like it was added on, the car seat may not be safely made.

Purchase location

A lot of scammers sell car seats online and will even take manufacturers’ pictures so that the car seats seem like they’re made by the automaker. You can still buy car seats online, but just pay attention to where you’re purchasing from.

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If you ever have any doubts about the safety of your car seat, get it inspected. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration lists inspection stations near your city where an inspector looks at your car seat and teaches you how to correctly install it.

News Source: KCTV