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In the Headlights: An In-Depth Look at Selling Your Car

Many people treasure their first car, even though truthfully many first cars are the bare minimum of an automobile experience. They provide a taste of freedom and mobility not afforded by anything else, and because of that they are often heavily used and worn down to the chassis.

Everyone has to sell their first car at some point, and that process can be tricky to navigate for first-time sellers. It might be an idea to sell on a website like eBay motors; you can even buy your next car online through sellers like Cars and Co Brokers and other sources, making the process much easier these days than it was before. Nevertheless, we have provided an in-depth look how to best sell your car to arm you with the insight you need to succeed.


The first order of business is getting your car valued. There are plenty of reputable websites that can value your car for you for a small fee and using a detailed description, and those don’t require you to take the vehicle anywhere at all, so accessibility is definitely a plus. However when you’re purchasing a new car at the same time as selling your old one, it’s easier to take it to a dealership and see what they can offer you. Usually, it will be much less than what you’d get selling privately, but the ease of transition is there.


The condition of the car’s working parts is crucial to successfully selling it. How many kilometers or miles does it have on the odometer? How regularly did you service it? How many times has it broken down, and why? These questions will all add or subtract value from the car, and change its desirability.

If you have serviced it on time every time, and had little to no breakdowns, with relatively low odometer readings compared to similar cars, you shouldn’t have any trouble selling. Make sure to accurately reflect the condition of the car in any advertisement you have for it; you don’t want to trick someone into buying a car that doesn’t work as advertised.

Wear and Tear

Less relevant to the functionality of the car is the wear and tear on the outside panels. This shouldn’t affect how the car runs, but it does affect the price. Get any small bumps and scratches fixed if you can afford to before selling, or be prepared to drop the price and draw attention to the marks when describing the car. Some people don’t mind aesthetic marks, while for others it rules the car out entirely, you just have to know who you’re selling to in order to figure a price out.

The Future

Looking forward, you’ll need another car once you’ve successfully sold yours. Finding the right car to suit your needs is important, as you’ll just end up with having to sell again if you buy something you don’t need. If you want something for every occasion, a small 4WD or AWD vehicle can be a great asset for moving house, going camping, road trips, and just driving around the city.

Sedans are usually more affordable with readily available parts, while hatches allow for greater trunk space than most others. Make sure you find the right car for you, and you’ll have many more years of driving ahead.

Selling a car can seem like a complex process at first glance, but once you get into the inner workings, it’s really very straightforward.

This post contains sponsored links from Cars&Co.

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