Kyle Johnson
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Listen Up, Pony Car-Lovers: Ford Offers Free 2018 Mustang Ringtone Download

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2018 Ford Mustang GT

Free ringtones are nice and all, but there isn’t much better than a free ringtone of the throaty exhaust note of the 2018 Ford Mustang. Unless, of course, it is a free ringtone that also comes with the complementary smell of burning tires and also an actual Mustang. Certainly, that would be much better.

Knowing that offering pony car enthusiasts the opportunity to set the new Mustang’s growl as an alarm or alert tone is a surefire way to stay in their hearts and minds at all times, Ford tasked its engineers with recording the sound of a 2018 Mustang GT with active valve performance exhaust first revving and then driving in Track Mode up to 155 mph. Don’t that just sound grand?

Obviously, a ringtone like this might fetch a high enough price—$.99? $1.29—on the open market that Ford might want to try and profit off this sweet ringtone. Nope. Absolutely free. Little things like this are what gets you through the day.

Downloading the ringtone is simple: simply check out the embed below, click the download button, and drink it in with your earballs. The sweet sounds of the 2018 Mustang GT’s 5.0-liter V8 roaring off into the distance might just be enough to encourage you to leave your phone off of silent mode in public; sure, you may get a couple of annoyed looks when it goes off in the movie theater the first time, but once the other patrons realize what they are hearing, they are sure to purr with delight in a manner not terribly dissimilar to that of the Mustang’s engine*. Regrettably, you might be thrown out of the theater and miss the end of John Wick: Chapter 2, but, hey, worth it.

Users of Android devices and Apple iPhones can grab full installation instructions at May your days henceforth ever be filled with the roaring of a Mustang brought about by calls from people you actually wanna talk to.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

*Please, keep your phone on silent in a movie theater, folks

Gallery: 2018 Ford Mustang