These Chevy Drowsy Driving Signs and Tips Could Not Come at a Better Time
If You’re Drowsy and You Know it, Do Not Drive
Daylight saving time begins this Sunday, March 10. If this is breaking news to you, consider writing the following note and tacking it to your refrigerator.
“Congratulations! You are losing an hour this Sunday, and you won’t get it back for several months. Go to bed early this Saturday night and set your clock an hour forward.”
OK, that’s a bit overboard, but it is a helpful reminder — like Chevrolet‘s.
These Chevy drowsy driving signs and tips off its press site are helpful cues to show how coherency behind the wheel is necessary for your safety and the safety of others on the road.
OnStar: Is here to keep you safe in your Chevy vehicle
Drowsy driving signs
1. Yawning
If your eyes can’t stay open, then your mouth will pick up the slack.
2. Memory
You are not exactly sure what happened the last few miles.
3. Drifting
You start changing lanes by accident or grinding the rumble strips on the side of the road.
4. Tailgating
You tailgate other drivers and brake repeatedly.
5. Relying on safety features
You rely on Chevrolet’s advanced safety features, like lane departure warning and lane keep assist, too much.
Warning Lights: What do those signs on your dashboard mean?
1. Call me surely
You have your best friend’s number. If you are out past your bedtime — shame on you — and are yawning as you make that long left turn, call your pal for a ride home using hands-free calling. If none of your friends are available because they are asleep, reach out to a Chevy adviser by pushing the OnStar button on your Chevrolet vehicle.
2. I spy signs of sleepiness
If you feel your mind wandering like a sheep in the desert, consider playing “I Spy” or the billboard alphabet game. When you force your mind to play along, you stay in the driving game a lot longer.
3. Don’t press your luck
While games can be effective, the last game you want to play is “Whammy” with your car. Stay alert because the consequential result of drowsy driving is alarming.
4. Get a room
If you are too tired to drive, pull over on the side of the road for a quick power nap, or spend the night at a hotel. Coffee or an energy drink is not the answer, but a safe, healthy night of good sleep in a comfortable bed sure is.
Warning Lights: What do these signs on your dashboard mean?
We are all guilty of being behind the wheel when we are tired at one time or another. Know the signs, and have plans in place to avoid getting in a wreck.
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