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Wacky Woodies: How Did Wood-Paneled Cars Originate and Why Were They Popular?

California Automobile Museum - 1950 Dodge Woodie Coronet Station Wagon

1950 Dodge Woodie Coronet Station Wagon

California Automobile Museum - 1950 Dodge Woodie Coronet Station Wagon
1950 Dodge Woodie Coronet Station Wagon
Photo: The News Wheel

Many vehicle styling fads come and go with the times, but one trend that baffles young drivers today is the Woodie. This distinctly American fad was seen on cars for decades, but few people nowadays see that fake wood paneling as appealing. So why did the Woodie ever catch on in the first place?

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Why did some cars have wood paneling on the sides?

Wood paneling on vehicles was around long before your grandpa’s station wagon. In fact, wood has been intrinsically involved in the automobile’s history ever since its origin.

When the first automobiles were invented, they were actually — as you no doubt already know — horseless carriages that used mechanical motors instead of live horses to power them. These carriages, thus, were originally made of wood rather than metal. 

Many companies that manufactured cars were more familiar with how to form, cut, and assemble wood than other materials, such as metal, which was expensive and dangerous at the time. In fact, many furniture makers (known as “depot hacks,” where we get the term “station wagon”) purchased the mechanical cores of automobiles and built wood bodies around them. Some automakers even outsourced body production to these coachbuilders.

Popular Mechanics outlines the gradual shift in the industry: Early on, steel was too expensive for most manufacturers to use, but as automobiles grew in production, metal stamps proved easier and cheaper than mass-producing wooden bodies. As vehicles drove faster, the safety hazards of using wood bodies on cars — as well as the ongoing cost of maintenance — became apparent, so the market transitioned to metal. By the 1950s, wooden bodies were a thing of the past.

Still, some mid-century customers preferred the appearance of wood over metal, as real wood elements had become synonymous with luxury. So as a compromise, automakers offered wood grain-like decals on metal, vinyl, and plastic side panels.

Automakers would probably not have produced so many faux-Woodie models in the latter half of the 20th century were it not for the influence of the SoCal surfing community. Because most Woodies were sold for cheap on the used market due to their limited appeal, they were the perfect choice for those on the West Coast who needed large, inexpensive transportation for their ocean gear. Woodies became so ingrained in surf culture that faux-wood paneling stuck around well past the 1960s.

These days, some automakers still offer strips of birch and mahogany paneling on the inside and outside of high-end vehicles for affluent customers, but the Woodie as we know it has finally retired.

You can read about the history of woodies in greater detail in this excellent article by Charlie Crowell on,

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