Whether you have a brand-new car or one that’s been well loved, taking good care of your ride can help prolong its lifespan to maximize your investment. Keeping up with regular maintenance tasks like oil changes and tire rotations are only part of what you need to do to ensure that your vehicle goes the distance.
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There are some less-talked-about things you can do to help keep your car in tip-top shape. Here are five tips that can help extend the life of your vehicle.
1. Regular washes
Cleaning your car helps it look great, but it can also help it last longer, according to Alex Leanse from Popular Mechanics. A thorough car wash removes corrosive elements, like road salt, that can severely damage your car’s paint job as well as its oft-neglected undercarriage. If you’re concerned about using too much water, check out these tips to reduce water usage when washing your car.
2. Don’t overload it
Carrying too much in your car can put unnecessary strain on the suspension and other components and damage your car’s structural integrity. Don’t use your car as a dumping ground for things like golf clubs, a gym bag, or a spare box of tools. Try to get into the habit of only carrying things you need and cleaning out your car more frequently to lighten the load. The more your car weighs, the harder it has to work to get moving, stay moving, and come to a stop, which can mean a prematurely worn transmission or brakes.
3. Choose a smooth route
Depending on where you live, you may be faced with dozens of potholes on a given day. Potholes not only make driving less smooth but can also wreak havoc on your car. They can cause damage to your suspension and tires, which can cost a lot of money to fix. If you know where the potholes are, you should be able to plan a route that avoids them as much as possible — and if pothole-free routes are nonexistent in your area, learn how to avoid them instead.
4. Park inside
The sun can be damaging to your car’s exterior and can make the interior almost oppressive. If you are lucky enough to have a garage, What Car? recommends using it for its intended purpose and parking your car in there to protect it from the weather. A garage can also help prevent hail and storm damage to your car.
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5. Start slowly
Rather than setting off like a bat out of hell in the mornings, Leanse recommends letting your car idle for 30-60 seconds before starting off. This helps the engine oil warm up and get ready to do its thing. If 30-60 seconds of idling just isn’t in your time budget, Leanse says that driving gently for the first couple of miles can have a similar effect and prevent unnecessary stress on your engine.
Even if you follow these tips precisely, your car won’t have much of a life if you neglect its regular maintenance schedule. Check your owner’s manual for the recommended service intervals for your car, and make sure you stick to it as closely as possible. Paired with these tips, your car should remain in good health for years to come.
Catherine Hiles (she/her) is a native Brit living and working in Dayton, Ohio. Cat has written about a variety of subjects, including finance, cars, and parenting. She is a frequent contributor to Dayton Mom Collective, The Penny Hoarder, and WDW Magazine.
Cat lives with her husband, their two kids, and their energetic pitbull mix. She counts running, lifting weights, walking, and reading among her hobbies. See more articles by Cat.