Aaron Widmar
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My Car Won’t Detect the Key Fob. What Should I Do?

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How to start your car when the remote battery is dead and your car only has a keyless ignition.

Car won't detect the key fob error what to do
Photo: The News Wheel

Some day, you’re going to be in a situation where your car won’t detect your key fob, either prohibiting you from locking/unlocking the doors or using the push-start button. When that happens — after you’ve cursed “newfangled” technology that just complicates everything — here are some potential reasons why the car won’t detect the key fob and solutions to fix it.

Easy DIY Guide: How to replace the battery in your car’s key fob

Reasons your car won’t detect the key fob

If you try to use the push-button start, but the dashboard message appears that a key is not detected, it could be that

  • the battery inside the remote is dead.
  • the remote itself is broken or no longer programmed to your car.
  • the car battery is low.
  • the keyless operation system is faulty.
key fob dead start car engine emergency
Photo: The News Wheel

Solutions for starting the engine with a dead key fob

If your car doesn’t detect the key fob, the easiest solution is to use the physical backup key instead. Some cars can use either method to unlock the doors and start the engine. Unfortunately, most cars with push-button start don’t use a physical key to start the ignition, so you may be stranded somewhere without a way to get the car running.

Try any or all of these solutions to start your car:

  • Check the owner’s manual to see if the automaker installed a backup solution for starting the car if the key dies.
  • Look for a hidden slot near the steering column that might not be obvious at first.
  • Press the start button with the key itself. Some cars can still detect dead key fobs this way in emergencies.
  • If it’s a cold day, go indoors and warm up the key fob with your breath. Sometimes, the temperature can mess with the electronics.
  • If you have a second key fob, try using it. This should at least show you if the problem is the key or the car.
  • Replace the battery in the key fob with a new one (use a coin or screwdriver to pop it open).

If all else fails, you can have your car towed to a service center that specializes in your car’s brand so they can diagnose the problem and potentially program a new key fob.

An Expensive Fix: Learn why replacement key fobs are so dang expensive

Sources: AA1Car, Lifewire