Whitney Russell
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How to Make Your Car a Better Place to Eat Takeout

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eat in your car food tray takeout
Food trays might make a comeback as in-car dining continues to be a trend during COVID-19
Photo: Edward via CC

Whether you’re taking a short road-trip or enjoying a lunch break, your car can be a safe place to dine while adhering to social distancing guidelines. Here are some simple ways to make your vehicle a better place to eat takeout.

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Clean and de-clutter the interior

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Photo: The News Wheel

Regularly declutter your vehicle’s cabin, vacuum the upholstery, and wipe down all hard surfaces. This will maximize the space you have to lean back and enjoy some takeout in your car the next time you get food to go.

Keep napkins and wipes on hand

Stock your vehicle with napkins and sanitizing wipes, as well as a microfiber towel for spills, as the Eater Staff recommends. These three items are essential to keep your hands and car clean while dining.

Get a trash bag for your car

Invest in a leak-proof garbage bag or can to stow food wrappers and other trash when you’re done eating. This one from Amazon is just $12.99 at the time of writing.

Shield the seats and floor

Waterproof seat covers will help protect your vehicle’s upholstery from getting stained while you’re eating takeout, as Auto Futures’ Lynn Walford recommends. It’s also a good idea to buy some all-weather rubber mats to protect the floor.

Keep a tray in your car

If you eat from your car often, the Eater Staff suggests getting a food tray that attaches to your steering wheel. At the time of writing, you can get this one from Amazon for just $11.99. Or go the do-it-yourself route and browse Pinterest for in-car food trays you can make at home.

Set the mood

Scenery and music are two simple ways to elevate in-car dining. If you have time, ditch parking lots and find a scenic overlook or nearby park to serve as the backdrop for your meal. Then, tune the radio to your favorite station or access a playlist from your smartphone or your car’s infotainment system.

Browse these tips for making your car’s cabin look as clean as humanly possible. Then, add these fall-themed songs to your playlist to listen to during your next in-car meal.

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