Catherine Hiles
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How to Remove Pet Hair from Your Car

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Dog riding in car window canine pet safety

Any pet owner knows what a royal pain in the you-know-what it is to remove hair from your car. Even if you clean your car regularly, there are always spots where the pet hair just refuses to come out. Luckily, there are some proven methods to remove pet hair from your car, including the following.

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Vacuum thoroughly

woman vacuuming car interior

The first step in removing pet hair from your car is to vacuum up as much as you can. Check to see if your vacuum cleaner came with a nozzle that has a rubber bristles as these are specifically designed to remove hair (if it didn’t, you can buy one).

Depending on the type of dog you have, vacuuming may be very successful or not successful at all. For example, I have a short-haired dog and his hairs are almost impossible to remove with a vacuum cleaner. But my previous dog had medium hair and vacuuming worked relatively well to remove the worst of his hair.

Static power

balloons remove pet hair from car

Once you’ve removed as much pet hair as you can with the vacuum cleaner, it’s time to get to work with some static. Using a balloon or a dryer sheet, rub it over the upholstery to loosen the. The static electricity from the balloon or dryer sheet will help pull the hairs out so you can remove them more easily. Some of the loose hairs will stick to the balloon or sheet; simply wipe the balloon off and repeat, or replace the dryer sheet when it’s too hairy.

Rubber gloves or squeegee

Much like static power, rubber can pick up dog or cat hairs from your car easily. Use rubber gloves and run your hands over the hairy surface and you should see the hairs stick to the gloves. You can also use a squeegee instead of rubber gloves. Just remove the pet hair from the squeegee’s rubber blade when it’s covered and keep going until the surface is clean.

Duct tape

Duct tape has approximately 1,000 uses. One of those uses is to remove pet hair from upholstery. Make a loop of duct tape with the stick side facing out and slide it over your hand. Then, press it onto the hairy surface and lift it up quickly to remove the pet hair. Repeat until you’ve removed all of the pet hair from the seat or carpet; you may need to replace the piece of tape several times to get all the hair up.

Prevention tips

A dog in the driver's seat

Rather than worrying about removing pet hairs from your car constantly, work on preventing them from sticking to your car’s upholstery in the first place. If you have time, give your pet a brush before putting them in the car to remove loose hairs. It’s a good idea to brush your pet on a regular basis anyway to stop them from shedding in your house.

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Invest in a seat cover that you can easily remove and wash when it becomes too hairy. A good pet seat cover also protects your car from mud and dirt after a romp at the dog park. You can keep the cover in your trunk and put it on the seats quickly any time your pet will be coming along for the ride.

To prevent pet hairs from spreading all around your car (and also to keep your pet safe), make sure your pet is contained using either a crate (well-secured in the car) or a pet car harness that attaches to the seat belt buckle. Preventing your pet from roaming free in the car not only helps keep pet hair in one spot, but it can also save your pet’s life in case of an accident.

Driving with pets is a necessity, whether you’re taking your dog for a walk or your cat to the vet. Keep your car clean from pet hairs using these pet hair prevention and removing techniques.