Infographic: Unusual Car Door Designs
For most motorists, opening a car door to enter their vehicle is a rather banal experience. There’s nothing really noteworthy to distinguish one vehicle’s door from another’s, as most automakers utilize a uniform design. Nevertheless, for a select few vehicle owners, stepping inside an interior cabin can be made a bit more exciting by the inclusion of unusual openings for their ride.
Over the course of several decades, various automotive companies have developed vehicle door designs that are a departure from the norm. To celebrate the unorthodox entrances of such vehicles, we here at The News Wheel have decided to examine unusual car door designs, from gullwing to swan and every variety in between.
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Zachary Berry currently resides in the Dayton, Ohio area. However, he enjoys traveling from place to place, as he was born in Oklahoma City and has also lived in Albuquerque and Orlando (such is the life of a military brat). Zachary graduated from Ohio University with a major in Strategic Communication, which is fancy talk for advertising and public relations. Beginning his career at The News Wheel as a lowly intern, he was able to climb his way to the top, eventually claiming his place within the last cubicle on the left. Other jobs that Zachary has held include driving around a safari truck at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. When he’s not putting his nose to the grindstone, Zachary enjoys watching and critiquing movies and television. See more articles by Zachary.