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Infotainment Systems, Distracted Driving, and Safety-Oriented Alternatives

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Photo: Pexels

There is a constant danger of being involved in a car accident while you’re on the road. When you think of it in its purest form, the safety of all road users relies on whether or not other motorists stick to road rules and traffic regulations. With that in mind, the importance of maintaining focus on the road cannot be stressed enough.

Distracted driving is among the leading causes of fatal vehicular accidents. According to a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it accounted for the loss of about 3,166 lives in 2017 alone.

So, with that in mind, you might think car manufacturers would move away from designing their cars to include entertainment systems which would only prove to be distractions from the road. But you’d be pleasantly surprised by how some companies are able to provide excellent entertainment systems without taking away too much of the driver’s focus off the road. These are a few innovations that you might want to consider when buying a car.

Head-up display

One of the most problematic issues is when drivers have to look away from the road in order to look at information that might be important. While it’s best to pull over in order to check your phone for directions, in a real-world scenario that isn’t always going to be the most practical, especially during an emergency. A head-up display will show the necessary information on the windshield, whether it is a map, notifications from your phone, or even a warning indicator. This effectively eliminates the need to look away from the road while driving.

Voice-controlled media

The use of voice commands frees up a driver’s hands and allows the driver to change settings, make calls, or do Google searches on the go. If companies are able to develop smart speakers, a built-in smart speaker for cars shouldn’t be too difficult. This technology will only get more refined once artificial intelligence becomes a mainstay in-vehicle technology.

IoT-enabled cars

The Internet of Things has already significantly changed the way we interact with objects that have the capability to connect to the internet. Cars are no exception. This technology can work in conjunction with voice-controlled media to allow drivers to forego the need to even touch their phones while driving. This is especially useful for professionals who need to reply to emails and messages while on the road.

Localized audio jacks for passengers

IoT allows cars to connect to streaming services like that allows users to circumvent geo-restrictions. Even when drivers maintain focus on the road, the noise inside the cabin can also become a distraction. Localized audio jacks ensure that passengers not only get to enjoy their content, but they get to do so without distracting the driver.

Steering wheel-mounted media controls

Another risk factor during driving is the loss of control. Even a momentary loss will increase the risk of an accident significantly. When the driver has to take their hands off the steering wheel in order to change a few settings, like the volume, that takes a bit of focus and control away from driving. While steering wheel-mounted controls have long been implemented in many car designs, it’s worth mentioning because there could be some drivers out there who still don’t use this feature.

But despite all these technological advancements, we should never forget the value of forming good habits. While technology provides us with a lot of modern conveniences, we shouldn’t become completely dependent on them. Human skill and common sense should never be overlooked. After all, technology is only as effective as its user.

This is a collaborative article.