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Is Lyft’s April Fools’ Day Joke Really That Funny?

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Lyft_monoIn case you have forgotten, this weekend, specifically tomorrow, is that magical time of year where you have to throw even more grains of salt on everything you read or see on the internet. That’s right, it’s April Fools’ Day again and the automotive world is ready to prank drivers and online readers in one fell swoop. Every year, however, there are always a couple of jokes that fall a bit flat. The first joke we would like to put forwards as just being kind of “meh” is the Lyft Mono. Take a look at its video promo below and see it for yourself.

If you didn’t necessarily get the joke the first time around, you’re not alone, because this product seems something that would actually enter production. Basically, the Lyft Mono is a giant glowing glove that you wear to “anonymously” hail a Lyft ride by sticking out your thumb. As The Verge points out, it’s like hitchhiking but much safer, since we assume it has some connection to the Lyft app and only a Lyft driver would respond to it.

Lyft took the prank one step further by having model Bella Hadid use the Mono glove out in the real world. It is also being reported that the Mono is an actual tool that works that was being demonstrated in San Francisco yesterday to get reaction video from average people to the glove. Basically, Lyft did everything a company would do for a real product launch except actually put it on sale. Yes, the glove looks a bit ridiculous, but so does almost every piece of new technology before it catches on. We wouldn’t be surprised if some people actually try to locate the gloves to order them.

Not every April Fools’ Day Joke is perfect, but this one is definitely one that left us scratching our heads. Better luck next time.

News Source: The Verge