What Is the Gas Guzzler Tax?

What Is the Gas Guzzler Tax?

Modern vehicles are far more efficient and eco-friendlier than they used to…

Rough Roads Cost Alabamans $5.3 Billion per Year

Rough Roads Cost Alabamans $5.3 Billion per Year

According to a study by TRIP, a nonprofit transportation research organization, deteriorating…

President Donald Trump Reportedly Considering a $0.25 Gas Tax Increase to Help Pay for His $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

President Donald Trump Reportedly Considering a $0.25 Gas Tax Increase to Help Pay for His $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

When President Donald Trump laid out his massive $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan…

Government Agency Proposes We Actually Increase the Gas Tax To Fix America’s Crumbling Roads

Government Agency Proposes We Actually Increase the Gas Tax To Fix America’s Crumbling Roads

Quick, look out the window! Is that rain you see? No, wait!…

Several States Start New Year by Proposing New EV Taxes

Several States Start New Year by Proposing New EV Taxes

Electric vehicles have gradually been rising in popularity, most recently garnering much…

What If We Raised the Gasoline Tax?

What If We Raised the Gasoline Tax?

In the US, it is no secret that our roads and bridges…

Group of East Coast States Mull Over Mileage Tax to Fix Crumbling Roads

Group of East Coast States Mull Over Mileage Tax to Fix Crumbling Roads

America’s crumbling roadways are having a bit of a budget problem—normally, road…