DeAnn Owens
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5 Substances That Will Ruin Your Car

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Lower panel of a car covered in dirt and road salt grime.
Photo: The News Wheel

Although it’s hard to completely protect your car from outside elements, you can and should act swiftly to remove them. According to auto experts, the following five substances will comprise the integrity of your car’s exterior.

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Winter woes

Road salt helps melt away snow and provides your car a better grip on icy roads during winter. However, the good the road salt does in paving the way is balanced by the damage it can cause to the undercarriage and paint finish of your car. After you make your way through a snowy storm or you’ve traveled on roads treated with road salt in anticipation of a storm, be sure to thoroughly wash your car. Pay extra attention to the undercarriage to help prevent the corroding effects of road salt.

sticky tree sap and pine needles sitting on a car's paint job.
Photo: The News Wheel

Sticky sap and fallen trees

Parking under a tree might provide some shade to help keep your car’s cabin cool, but that shade comes with a price, namely tree sap. The sticky substance will adhere to your car’s exterior and eat away at its finish.

“To remove tree sap, pour a few drops of a bug and tar remover directly onto a clean cloth and let it sit on top of the sap spot for 30 seconds before scrubbing it clean” advises Reader’s Digest writer Jeff Bogle.

Leaves, although easier to remove from your car than sap, pose a serious threat to your car’s finish as well. Be sure to sweep them off your car as soon as you can.

Bird droppings

Although some say getting pooped on by a bird is a sign of good luck, I’m not sure it’s worth it. And when birds leave parting gifts on your car, it definitely feels unlucky. It’s best to remove the offensive substance ASAP. The longer you wait, the more comprised your car’s exterior will become.

pressure washer car wash

Dusty debris

Driving through a construction zone or on dust-covered roads can leave your car covered in, well, dust. Even a fine coating of dust can damage your car due to its abrasive quality. Remove it with a quick, yet thorough rinse of water; just brushing it off or wiping it away might scratch your car’s paint.

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