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How to Keep Picky Eaters Happy on a Road Trip

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If you’re accustomed to morphing into a short-order cook to satisfy the meal requests/allergies/complaints of your adorable family members every time the dinner bell rings, the thought of taking said picky eaters on a road trip can stop you in your tracks.

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Because most restaurants you’ll stop at along the way are probably ones you’ve never been to before, unless you stick with fast food, and we all know what too much fast food can do to occupants trapped in a car for miles – yep, no one’s happy. And, when you finally arrive at your location, can you guarantee the chef will know that all bread must be crustless and cut diagonally? Is your picky-eating family destined to never experience the freedom of the open road?

Of course not. With some careful planning, food prep, advance research, and strategic thinking at a local grocery or convenience store, you should be able to nourish your clan without a meltdown.

Along with your luggage and road trip gear, be sure to stock up on your kids’ favorite, healthy snacks. If possible, pack complete lunches everyone can access in the car to save time on the road or pack ingredients you know will please your hungry crowd and locate a pretty and safe spot along your route for a family picnic.

While you’re plotting your must-see attractions on your road trip, dive into a search of area restaurants and peruse their menus to avoid food-related surprises or disappointments, advises Writer Lauren Juliff.

And even though a run to the grocery store on your getaway doesn’t sound ideal, it’s a great solution to your picky eaters’ demands, especially if your travels take you far from the food comforts of home, according to Juliff.

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Not only will planning for your picky eaters’ needs help your family enjoy a stress-free and fun road, it will keep everyone’s health on track.

“If you plan ahead and pack healthier snacks, you’ll find it easier to avoid the temptations of fast food and junk food, you’ll satisfy your cravings, and you’ll get your body ready for the adventure ahead,” according to

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