Whitney Russell
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Tips for Boosting Your Rideshare Earnings

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It’s easy to be a great rideshare driver when you apply these simple strategies
Photo: Pkg203

Whether you’re new to being a rideshare driver or have had this gig for a few years, there’s always something new to learn — especially when it comes to upping your game. Here are some simple ways you can earn more on drives.

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Snacks and drinks

water bottles bottled water
Stay hydrated while on the job so you can avoid making unnecessary stops
Photo: Pixabay

Pack snacks and bottled water to stay hydrated when you’re on the clock. This will help you avoid wasting time by making pit stops for these items when you could be picking up new passengers (but also recognize that overhydration will lead to more stops for potty breaks). And consider keeping snacks and water on hand for passengers, if your budget allows. Tourists and locals alike will appreciate this “extra” — especially on a hot day.

Avoid the hotspots

Use the passenger app of the rideshare service you drive for. This will give you a better idea of how many rideshare drivers are available for a given area, so you can seek out a less popular area when looking for new passengers.

Opt for a central area

Avoid driving in circles or driving too far out of the way for passengers. Instead, stick to a centralized region. This will save you on gas and spare you the frustration of having a rideshare user cancel the ride because you’re taking too long to get to their location.

Help with luggage

luggage suitcase
Helping passengers with luggage is an easy way to boost your tips
Photo: congerdesign

Not all rideshare drivers are willing to help passengers with suitcases. Go the extra mile and help travelers load and unload any baggage. It’s a great way to increase tips from tourists and traveling business people.

Leverage the surge

Rideshare services calculate surge fares based on the ratio of people logged into the passenger app. Use this to your advantage by logging out of the driver app and logging into the passenger app. Wait until you reach the surge area to log back into the driver app.

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