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Why Windshield Wipers Squeak…And What You Can Do About It

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Windshield wiper blades can be amazing…until they start screeching.  Squeaky blades can be so loud that they distract you from focusing on the road. Learn the reasons behind the noise and how to fix it, so you can nip this problem in the bud.

Why windshield wiper blades squeak

There are a few different reasons for why your vehicle’s blades might be so strident. Over- and under-using the blades can cause them to squeak; the former can result in tears along the blade edge while the latter can result in a brittle blade edge. Dirt is one of the most common causes of wiper blade noise, however. Dust and other contaminants on the windshield can accumulate on the windshield surface as well as the wiper blades. This results in friction when the blades operate, which results in the squeak. Two additional factors might be the incorrect installation of the wiper blades or a manufacturing defect in the rubber or the screwing system.

Remedies for the squeak

Clean the windshield

Use glass cleaner and a microfiber rag to thoroughly wipe down the windshield surface. Wipe in vertical strokes then horizontal ones to help avoid leaving streak marks. Lastly, buff the windshield with a clean microfiber rag.

Clean the blades

Gather rubbing alcohol, washer fluid or hot soapy water, and a few paper towels or cleaning rags. Lift the wiper blades from the windshield. Apply washer fluid or the hot soapy solution to a rag and wipe the edge of each blade a few times. Make sure to wipe the hinged areas of each blade since dirt can accumulate there. Lastly, moisten a clean rag with a bit of rubbing alcohol, then wipe the blades. This will eliminate any soapy residue left on the rubber from applying the windshield fluid or hot soapy water mixture.

News Sources:, Your Mechanic, Wikihow