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GM Wins EPA Award for Green Power Leadership

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GM Ohio wind farm
A GM wind farm in Northwest Ohio

General Motors recently won an EPA honor for vigorously pursuing green power projects and strengthening demand for renewable energy across the country.

GM’s 2019 Green Power Leadership Award for direct project engagement was one of only seven handed out this year. It recognizes the automaker’s efforts to develop and utilize a diverse array of green power sources — while helping to reduce pollution and protect the environment.

“We are proud for this recognition from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” said Erin Lawrence, an energy and carbon optimization engineer for GM. “Our efforts and those of other sustainably minded corporations help accelerate the development of renewable resources and advance this market in the U.S.”

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Solar panels at GM’s Warren Transmission facility

As one of the signers of 2016’s RE100, an initiative among large businesses to achieve 100 percent renewable energy usage, GM is pursuing green power growth in a variety of ways. Its four-pillar strategy includes increasing energy efficiency, building renewable energy usage and sources, storing energy, and supporting strong energy policies.

“Leveraging renewable power is a demonstration of our commitment to reducing carbon emissions while supporting our RE100 goal to have 100 percent of our electricity use from renewable energy by 2050,” Lawrence said.

In 2018, GM entered into three new agreements to buy 800 million kilowatt-hours of wind energy. Currently, the company is using about 703.5 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy to power many of its operations. Overall, GM is ranked No. 29 on the EPA’s list of the country’s top 100 largest green power users — and is the list’s only automaker.

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