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Is the 2020 Corvette Attracting Younger Drivers?

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Corvette attracting younger drivers
Could the newest Corvette be the next “young driver” car?
Photo: Chevrolet

2020 may have gotten off to a rocky start in the arena of public health, but there have been many positive highlights. For car enthusiasts, one of these was surely the launch of the 2020 Corvette. Chevrolet’s newest take on its classic sports car has been selling like crazy around the world, with many dealerships already sold out. The 2020 Corvette’s success isn’t surprising, but a look at the demographics behind that success might be a bit unexpected. Recent statistics seem to show the new Corvette attracting younger drivers over older ones.

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Why is the Corvette attracting younger drivers?

This interesting news comes from a Canadian car dealership that has plenty of experience moving Corvettes. According to the numbers seen at this dealership, buyers for the 2020 Corvette are skewing younger than the previous C7 model. The statistics are showing that drivers in their 40s are the most common buyers at this dealership, accounting for 42 percent of sales. Corvette buyers in their 30s have increased by 25 percent over those seen during the C7’s run. When it comes to older drivers, the results are the opposite. Only 10 percent of customers are drivers in their 60s, and no drivers in their 70s have yet purchased a Corvette from this dealership.

So why is this happening? The staff at the Canadian dealership behind these statistics believe it may be a matter of dealing with change. The 2020 Corvette turned heads when its new mid-engine layout was unveiled. It’s possible that younger buyers have fewer reservations about accepting the new layout for the vehicle. The dealership believes that many older customers may be waiting a year or two before committing to the new Corvette.

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Whatever the reason, sales for the 2020 Corvette are expected to pick back up again soon. Fewer than 2,700 examples made it out of the factory before COVID-19 concerns caused production to temporarily halt. Chevrolet hopes to resume production in May.