Why is My Car Using More Gas Than Usual?

Why is My Car Using More Gas Than Usual?

Do you feel like you’re stopping at the pump more than usual…

What Are the Benefits of Synthetic Oil?

What Are the Benefits of Synthetic Oil?

If you’ve ever browsed for engine oil at your local repair shop,…

Analysts Expect Oil Prices to Temporarily Rise by as Much as 13 Percent

Analysts Expect Oil Prices to Temporarily Rise by as Much as 13 Percent

One of the major factors keeping vehicle sales so high at the…

Gas Currently Costs Less Than $2 per Gallon in 9 States

Gas Currently Costs Less Than $2 per Gallon in 9 States

Just a few months ago, the idea of gas costing less than…

Gas Prices Finally Begin to Fall in November

Gas Prices Finally Begin to Fall in November

Following peak gas prices in the summer, fall gas prices generally return…

Oil Production Exceeds 100 Million Barrels a Day for the First Time

Oil Production Exceeds 100 Million Barrels a Day for the First Time

With all the talk of electric vehicles across the automotive industry, it…

Biofuel and Oil Industries To Team Up Against Invading Electrics

Biofuel and Oil Industries To Team Up Against Invading Electrics

Man, when it comes to supplying the things to make your car…

Mexico Makes Plans To Take Its Oil and Go Home

Mexico Makes Plans To Take Its Oil and Go Home

It is probably safe to say at this point that the US,…

Report Predicts Fall of Oil to Alternative Transport Fuels as OPEC Argues Over Production Freeze

Report Predicts Fall of Oil to Alternative Transport Fuels as OPEC Argues Over Production Freeze

OPEC is facing many threats right now. The first, and largest, of these…

Report: Electric Cars Will Cut Gas Demand by as Much as 20% in the Next 20 Years

Report: Electric Cars Will Cut Gas Demand by as Much as 20% in the Next 20 Years

A new report by energy consulting firm Wood Mackenzie has found that,…

Oil Glut Continues as Iran Still Won’t Play Ball, Saudi Arabia Goes Home

Oil Glut Continues as Iran Still Won’t Play Ball, Saudi Arabia Goes Home

So, remember how we talked a while ago about how Iran was…

Oil Price Stays Low as Iran Thumbs Nose at Other Oil Producers

Oil Price Stays Low as Iran Thumbs Nose at Other Oil Producers

Efforts to stem the deluge of crude oil pouring into the global…

Dollar General Faces Lawsuits Over Allegedly ‘Obsolete’ Motor Oils

Dollar General Faces Lawsuits Over Allegedly ‘Obsolete’ Motor Oils

It is fairly common practice nowadays for large stores like Kroger and…

Low Gas Prices May Empty Downtown Areas

Low Gas Prices May Empty Downtown Areas

As those of us normal consumers rejoice at the ever-falling gas prices…

Gas Prices to Fall Even More as Iran Sets to Sell Even More Oil

Gas Prices to Fall Even More as Iran Sets to Sell Even More Oil

Well, good news, gasoline and oil-product consumers! Iran’s oil ministers have stated…

Saudi Arabians Enraged as Gas Prices Surge to About 0.76$ Per Gallon

Saudi Arabians Enraged as Gas Prices Surge to About 0.76$ Per Gallon

It is extremely doubtful that you (or any driver, really) has missed…

Gas Prices to Drop to Two Dollars per Gallon or Less (Because of Iran)

Gas Prices to Drop to Two Dollars per Gallon or Less (Because of Iran)

Generally speaking, in recent history the USA and Iran haven’t liked each…

Shell Partnership Extended as Hyundai’s Exclusive Oil Supplier

Shell Partnership Extended as Hyundai’s Exclusive Oil Supplier

Shell is on a roll. After revealing a contract to become BMW’s…

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