fury road

Search results for fury road

 The News Wheel

The Thrill and Threat of Driving to “Fury Road’s” OST

The Thrill and Threat of Driving to “Fury Road’s” OST

The soundtrack for “Mad Max: Fury Road” is so heart-pounding that I’d actually encourage you not to listen to it while driving.

 The News Wheel

“Mad Max: Fury Road” Has the Most Exciting Chase Scenes, According to Science

“Mad Max: Fury Road” Has the Most Exciting Chase Scenes, According to Science

The results of a small-scale scientific study show that “Mad Max: Fury Road has some of the most exciting chase scenes in cinema.

 The News Wheel

Cars You Didn’t Know Were in “Mad Max: Fury Road”

Cars You Didn’t Know Were in “Mad Max: Fury Road”

“Mad Max: Fury Road” makes it challenging to tell what real-world cars you’re looking at, but there are some classics behind all that dust.

 Patrick Grieve

This “Mad Max: Fury Road”/”Cars” Mash-Up Video Will Remind You of the Good Old Days

This “Mad Max: Fury Road”/”Cars” Mash-Up Video Will Remind You of the Good Old Days

Remember back when Mad Max: Fury Road came out? Oh boy, those were the days. It was May of 2015—David Bowie and Alan Rickman were both alive and well, Donald Trump had yet to begin his presidential campaign of terror, and all was right with the world. Most notably, the cinema-going public was treated to […]

 The News Wheel

Buddhist Twitter User Shares Images of ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Cars He Made With Vegetables

Buddhist Twitter User Shares Images of ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Cars He Made With Vegetables

Twitter user @Sativa_high took the concept of biodegradable vehicles to an unusual level on August 12th, when he tweeted photos of cars inspired by the action movie Mad Max:Fury Road, which he made with cucumbers and eggplants. I made “mad max vehicles” of cucumber and eggplant. pic.twitter.com/vwhnvsLoL3 — ボサノバ和尚 (@sativa_high) August 12, 2015 The vegetable […]

 The News Wheel

It’s A(nother) Mad, Mad, Mad Max: Fury Road Parody Trailer

It’s A(nother) Mad, Mad, <em>Mad Max: Fury Road</em> Parody Trailer

Mad Max: Fury Road has inspired more than its fair share of wonderful fan-made parody videos, from a Mario Kart mash-up to an Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt crossover. Now, a Vimeo user named Ezequiel López has combined George Miller’s post-apocalyptic action film with another classic road trip movie: It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. It’s […]

 The News Wheel

Mad Love: Two Fury Road Stunt Doubles Married After Meeting on Set

Mad Love: Two <em>Fury Road</em> Stunt Doubles Married After Meeting on Set

Sing to the tune of John Cougar Mellancamp’s “Jack and Diane”: Little ditty, ’bout Dane and Daynaaaa/ Two stunt doubling kids filming in Namibia/ Dayna gonna fill in for a big movie staaaaaaar/ Dane doin’ the same thing, but strapped to the front of a car/ Ooh yeah, they say that life goes on/ Long […]

 The News Wheel

Even Without CGI, Mad Max: Fury Road Still Features Maximum Madness

Even Without CGI, <em>Mad Max: Fury Road</em> Still Features Maximum Madness

In case you can’t tell, a lot of us here at The News Wheel are big fans of the Ozsploitation/carsploitation/awesomesaucesploitation blockbuster action film Mad Max: Fury Road. That’s why we’ve taken such joy in calling your attention to videos like that Mad Max/Mario Kart mash up video, that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt mash up, and that […]

 The News Wheel

Here Are Some More Mad Max: Fury Road Fan Trailers

Here Are Some More <em>Mad Max: Fury Road</em> Fan Trailers

We didn’t think that anything could top that brilliant mash up of the hit carsploitation flick Mad Max: Fury Road and the classic racing game Mario Kart. And while that video is probably still our favorite, there are some other fan-made trailers that deserve some attention, as well. For example, it turns out that Fury Road […]

 Kyle Johnson

Mad Max: Fury Road Trailer is Here, and It’s Badass

Mad Max: Fury Road Trailer is Here, and It’s Badass

Remakes and reboots don’t always make for the most palatable films, so it’s easy to react immediately to the news that a cult favorite is being remade and losing its marquee star with a groan (which is almost invariably followed by a long tirade on your Facebook page). Such was widely the reaction to the […]

 The News Wheel

You Have to See This Crazy Cadillac Hearse

You Have to See This Crazy Cadillac Hearse

This Cadillac Hearse looks more like something out of Mad Max: Fury Road than a restoration project that started with a $600 investment.

 The News Wheel

George Miller Reaffirms He’s Planning a Return Trip to the Wasteland

George Miller Reaffirms He’s Planning a Return Trip to the Wasteland

We may get to ride again, shiny and chrome

George Miller offers a few details on the Mad Max: Fury Road sequels he plans to develop, Including his plans for a Furiosa-centric film.

 Caleb Cook

The Best HBO Max Movies and Shows for Auto Enthusiasts

The Best HBO Max Movies and Shows for Auto Enthusiasts

HBO Max has quickly taken its place as one of America’s biggest and best streaming platforms for movies, documentaries, and television shows. For car-loving subscribers, these are just a few of the many gearhead gems that can be found in this service’s huge catalog of viewing options. FWD, RWD, AWD, or 4WD? How to decide […]

 The News Wheel

The Legacy of Boycar, A Bizarre Brother-Based Bit

The Legacy of Boycar, A Bizarre Brother-Based Bit

MBMBaM is known for taking simple taking questions and turning them into odd delights. This time, it’s Boycar. Don’t worry, it’s still weird.

 The News Wheel

3 Terrible Movies Obsessed With Very Slow Driving

3 Terrible Movies Obsessed With Very Slow Driving

Many “so bad they’re good” movies obsess over showing characters driving very slowly in order to pad the runtime. Here are three of the best.

 Caleb Cook

Vehicular Viewing: New to Streaming for January 2021

Vehicular Viewing: New to Streaming for January 2021

There’s no guarantee 2021 will be better than 2020, although that bar has been set pretty low. One good sign? Mad Max: Fury Road, the greatest action movie since I don’t know when, will make its streaming debut in January. Or, given that movie’s dystopian setting, maybe it’s an ominous sign… Either way, here’s a […]

 Whitney Russell

The News Wheel Editors: Our Favorite Auto-Themed Songs

The News Wheel Editors: Our Favorite Auto-Themed Songs

We’ve already shared some of our favorite road trip music. Now, we thought we’d explore some of our top tunes that feature cars in case you need some more selections to add to your next travel playlist to help set the mood for your journey. Safe Travels: Why oil changes are important for your vehicle […]

 Kurt Verlin

‘Ford v Ferrari’ Gets Academy Award Nomination for Best Picture

‘Ford v Ferrari’ Gets  Academy Award Nomination for Best Picture

Ford v Ferrari, a James Mangold film starring Christian Bale and Matt Damon, has received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture, as well as three others for Film Editing, Sound Editing, and Sound Mixing. This could be the first time a car-centric film receives the Oscar for Best Picture, a category in which these […]

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