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UK Tests New Cameras to Curb Speeding at Intersections

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Whether you fall into the “speed demon” or “cautious traveler” category of drivers, you’re likely familiar with how dangerous speeding can be. The reasons for speeding differ with each reckless driving scenario. Some race down the freeway to shave a few minutes off their morning commute. Others might just want to reach their time-sensitive destination faster, like this woman who just wanted to catch the sunset.

More about the new tech

Merseyside is one of the first locations to test out new “speed on green” speeding cameras. The cameras track motorists near stoplights to detect and document any drivers that speed up instead of slowing down at an intersection.

Though speeding poses a threat to drivers all over the U.K., Merseyside has been a hotspot for speeding-related injuries and fatalities. Per the Daily Express, 557 people were injured or killed in an accident in Merseyside in 2017 alone. Furthermore, new research indicates that many collisions that occur on 30-mph roads happen at intersections. So, placing the new “speed on green” cameras at junctions is a wise strategy.

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Safer intersections

Jayne Eaton, from the Safer Roads Unit at the Partnership, explains the dangers of traffic lights at intersections as they relate to speeders. “A green traffic light signal can often create an unpredictable situation for a driver to deal with and it is vitally important that drivers drive at an appropriate speed, one which enables them to stop safely should the traffic lights change or a pedestrian step into the road.”

If the Merseyside pilot goes well, the technology promises to help improve road safety at the international level.

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News Source: Daily Express