Amanda Drago
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4 Reasons To Buy Winter Tires for Your Car

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Snow on tires cold temperatures winter freeze chill melting ice wheels. Winter tires.
These tires handle snow, ice, and low temperatures
Photo: The News Wheel

When you live in a city that’s hit with frequent snowstorms, it’s likely that you’ve considered purchasing winter tires before. However, if you’re still on the fence about whether or not to make the purchase, check out these four reasons why doing so can benefit your ride.

Stay Safe This Season: Tips for driving on snow

1. They increase traction

Winter tires feature large grooves that prevent water from accumulating under the tire as well as small ones that pack the treads with snow. Together, these grooves increase your car’s traction and keep you from slipping on slick roads.

2. They work for the whole season

Although many drivers refer to them as snow tires, winter tires are so called because they are effective throughout the wintertime. Even when snow or ice isn’t covering the roads, they help you stay better in control on the road once temperatures drop below 50 degrees.

Winter tires have a mountain icon
This mountain icon indicates when a tire is a winter tire
Photo: A7N8X via CC

3. They outperform all-season tires

On the surface, all-season tires seem to be the superior choice for cars since they can function well throughout the year. However, despite their name, all-season tires do not handle frigid temperatures well, which is why it’s still worth switching them out for winter tires in colder climates.

4. They’re not as expensive as you think

Winter tires have a reputation for being expensive, but they may not be as costly as you expect in the long run. Since you only need to utilize them for one season each year, they can last for a few years before you need to replace them. Plus, buying them is still typically cheaper than buying an all-wheel-drive system for your vehicle.

More Reasons to Choose Them: Additional facts on winter tires

While winter tires certainly are not ideal for everybody, they can be beneficial additions when you live in a colder environment.