DeAnn Owens
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How to Road Trip with Your Pup This Summer

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grumpy dog in back seat of car

Are you planning to hit the road this summer with your dog? A summer road trip with your pup can be an experience you both will never forget. But, to make sure it’s only good memories you’re sharing, here are a few things to consider before you pack up and go.

Consider your pup’s temperament and comfort in the car

You know your dog best. If he’s not comfortable in the car or only travels for vet visits, chances are your extended road trip will not be a success. You want a stress-free companion who loves the road as much as you do. If you’re dealing with a reluctant traveler, ease your pup into the trip with shorter drives that result in the something fun — ice cream treats or a stop at the dog park. Then you can extend the time, and before you know it, he will want to go with you every time you grab the keys.

Focus on safety

Safety goes hand in hand (or paw in paw) with comfort. Be sure to invest in safety equipment like a crate or seat belt designed for your dog.

“The crate or seatbelt should be up in the backseat, away from airbags which can be fatal,” according to JoAnna Lou, writer at

Keep your dog inside the car when you’re moving, too, she warns. Letting them hang out the window puts their safety at risk. Their eyes will become irritated from the forceful wind. Flying debris could also hit them.

Pack records and accurate dog identification

A new environment is sure to set your pup’s senses into overdrive. An excited or nervous pup may react unexpectedly. If you pack your pup’s vax records, secure current dog tags to his collar, and have a dog-specific first aid kit, you’ll be better prepared to handle emergencies, notes Kristen Bor, writer for

You’ll also want to provide a water source during the drive, she adds. Waiting until you hit a rest stop or gas station to fill up isn’t ideal for your pup’s health.

Keep these tips in mind while you’re prepping for your summer road trip with your best pal.